Tag: Twitter

Have you ever seen Scott Monty and Brian Cashman in the same room together?

New Years Eve, Charlotte, NC. Plaza-Midwood neighborhood, to be exact. It was 10 minutes to midnight, and a dozen adults, and even more children, were in an unfurnished home that our friends had closed on that morning. There was no cable or Internet access. In a rare moment of sobriety, it dawns on the adults that we don't have a way to know when the exact countdown begins in Times Square. Everyone panics. I turned to Twitter. With only about…

The next time someone says 'we need to take this offline because it needs more than 140' – remember that nothing is too complex to communicate if you use the right word(s).  Jim is a father, husband, copywriter and founder of smashcommunications. You can find him on Twitter @smashadv

(NOTE: This post was originally published in September 2009, when my handle was @smashadv and I used to have an orange in front of my face.) There was once a very strange boy who tweeted things like this: Then one day he received an unmarked white box that weighed a few pounds. Inside of the box was a six pack of Red Bull and this note: Suspecting @mikepoz, the boy was thrown off by the note from Natalie. So he…

Imagine for a moment that tomorrow everything blinked off. All sense of normalcy gone. No Internet. No phone. No electricity. Nothing. But darkness. What would you do? Well, if you’re not throwing yourself out of a window in panic or looting the local electronics store (duh), your next step would be to start doing whatever is necessary to survive. Things like hunting for food, finding water, and gathering firewood. But then what? Well, you’d probably reach out to others. That’s right, you’d turn to your…

Imagine for a moment that tomorrow everything blinked off. All sense of normalcy gone. No Internet. No phone. No electricity. Nothing. But darkness. What would you do? Well, if you’re not throwing yourself out of a window in panic or looting the local electronics store (duh), your next step would be to start doing whatever is necessary to survive. Things like hunting for food, finding water, and gathering firewood. But then what? Well, you’d probably reach out to others. That’s right, you’d turn to your…