Tag: Twitter

The reason I love Twitter is not for its massive commercial appeal, nor for its professional networking potential. It’s for the people. As a copywriter, being curious about people is part of the gig. And it’s something you can’t really fake. You’re either curious, or you’re not. Copywriters who are curious about how people think about things are the ones who stand to make sincere connections with an audience. Thus, engaging in Twitter is like part of my job. Before you start laughing…

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." – The Beatles I've mentioned the idea of Reciprocal Love© a few times on Twitter as an effective way to expand your Social Media network. No, I'm no 'expert' on SM, but some things just seem logical, even to a novice like me. Let's say one of the people you follow posts something brilliant, or scoops some important news. How do you show your appreciation…

For too long advertising copywriters have taken a backseat to designers, artists, directors, traffic coordinators, programmers, IT people, researchers and oh yes, account execs. Sure, we like our offices dimly lit. Yes, we do our best work *outside* of the conference room. And many of us do like to work in our underwear. But thanks to Social Media (SM) and Twitter, the worm has turned. While it seems that everyone is scrambling to ‘define’ Twitter or figure out a way…