RugWe have this living room rug that needs replacing. We bought it about 5 years ago, and I’m not sure what the shelf-life is for area rugs, but this one’s done. Toast. So the hunt begins for a repla…..

Wait a minute – What are you doing? Um, this is a post about a man’s rug – and you’re actually reading it. There’s something wrong with that. Anyway, get back to whatever it was you were doing before you clicked on this link. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Ok, back to what I was saying, we’ve used the hell out of this rug. It’s experienced everything from dog vomit to two kids trampling it to death – most often without taking off their muddy shoes (even though I've said it a million times….). But alas, it’s time for change…

Hold one…you’re still here? Ok, this is getting a little weird. I’m here mindlessly rambling about a dander-filled foot path, and you’re still reading? Don’t you have another blog to read? This is just drivel. Go on, you can leave. I won’t feel bad. 


Anyway…the rug. The rug of dreams, as we once called it. It’s now a shell of its former self. Literally. You see, it’s thinning in several spots. No doubt the Christmas Wii has expedited its demise b/c now it looks like outfield grass in September after the right fielder has dug in for six months. Goodbye rug of dreams. 


If you’re still reading, you’re either really into rugs, or you’re a stalker. Or maybe you just want dibs on this one when we get our replacement. Anyway, please don't RT, Digg or comment this post. It's just silly and other people will think less of you if you do. Thanks for letting me share. Now go do something more important. 

Jim is a father, husband, copywriter and founder of the virtual ad agency smashcommunications, llc. You can find him on Twitter @smashadv

SM: Where the Hard Sell goes to Die
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Jim Mitchem

Writer. Father to daughters. Husband. Ad man. Raised by wolves. @jmitchem on twitter. First novel, Minor King, out now.