Darkness creeps in on cat’s paws and roots in the hearts of the weak. There it accumulates and bides its time festering as indifference. “It’s ok, it’s just a little violence/lie/bullying/greed/rape,” it whispers, as it waits for a signal to lash out.
We are all susceptible as these concepts swirl around us in popular culture.
Be vigilant against consuming even the most innocuous forms of darkness. Identify it, name it, and wrap it in chains. That’s the only way we get through this life without giving in and allowing darkness to work through us.
Every day you’re lucky enough to be alive, endeavor to be selfless. Because selfishness is the gateway to indifference. And indifference is the destroyer of humanity.
Don’t ever lose heart.
The Raping of Values | obsessed with conformity
Oct 12, 2017
[…] fix anyone else, much less the world, but you can fix yourself. And that starts with the understanding that consuming darkness in little bits has dire consequences. By focusing on yourself instead of the world swirling around you, you’ll begin to become […]
When Your Kid Becomes a Victim of Bullying Part 2 | obsessed with conformity
Dec 14, 2017
[…] do these things happen? I’m sure there are a lot of factors. But the core reason is that darkness is clever and it takes root in the hearts of the weak. We can do better. And it starts with […]