On Thanksgiving Day 1989, I was on the verge of homelessness living in a basement room near the tracks in Worcester, Ma. Alone. Penniless. Repelling down the steep edge of hope with a loose grip.
It seems like a lifetime ago.
And somehow, only yesterday.
So I’m pretty grateful for everything in my life today. Every day. This isn’t to say that I’m a saint. I forget about gratitude and have to be reminded daily. Forgetting is human. That’s why we need days like Thanksgiving to remind us of how good life is. I’m just lucky because I’ve learned how to spread gratitude out over time rather than try and jam it all into one day.
Thanksgiving has too much pressure on it, anyway.
Happy Thanksgiving, America.
Ben Kunz
Nov 25, 2010
Nov 25, 2010
Hmmmm sounds similar to where I am now…..Thankful though
Erik Proulx
Nov 26, 2010
Awesome. Happy Thanksgiving, brother.
Dec 2, 2010
Beautiful. And yes, we are human so we do forget and take things for granted. I too am very thankful for the little things, everyday. But I’m also glad to have reminders when I get off track. To be grateful is to be blessed. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.