Entitlement is the biggest lie that your ego whispers. 


Too many children today are on drugs. We didn’t have ADD when I was a kid. We had “Jimmy, pay *#(%@ attention!” We were just kids with vibrant and active imaginations. And no, we didn’t sit still very well either. Parents today are lazy. 


It’s not even April and I’m booked. No, my life is not nearly as sexy as yours, but there’s something big every day in mine next month. 


Quit being all tentative. Commit to something. 


If you’re a parent and you’re tweeting every two minutes, GET OFF THE COMPUTER, PUT DOWN THE PHONE AND BE WITH YOUR KIDS. You will regret it otherwise, one day. Trust me. I get it that you can tweet and play, or that the kids do cute things you want to share, but a few years ago you didn’t have to announce your every thought or share your every moment. And you were a better parent. Parent as in – FOCUSING ON YOUR CHILD ONLY. Just for a day, man. They deserve it. You can do it. 


Felix Unger was the original metrosexual.


I hope they never invent a passenger seat eject button in any car my wife drives that I’m a passenger in.


Want to be happy? Be uncomfortable. Take the fight right to change. It’s coming at you anyway. 


The older I get the more I resent the so-called ‘real’ world for getting in the way of my poetry. 


The pain and chaos of adolescence encroaching on my daughters breaks my fucking heart. 


When you’ve got to fish around in the old mail for the latest movie from Netflix, chances are it’s going back unwatched. 


Television commercials for meat restaurants make me want to vomit. 


Rebecca Black is the new Rick Astley. #BeckRolled


Little Words

Jim Mitchem

Writer. Father to daughters. Husband. Ad man. Raised by wolves. @jmitchem on twitter. First novel, Minor King, out now.