Wow. First I have an anniversary on Tuesday – and today turn 46. It’s the annual Week of Jim at my house. The fact that it coincides with Shark Week is pure coincidence. Trust me.
Here are a few images from the past something-something years that represent a few of the prouder moments in my life.
Serving our country (USAF, 1982)
Marrying my best friend (1997)
The birth of our first daughter (2001)
Ok, so this last one’s not such a proud moment. Rather, it was shot this morning while playing with my kids at the park. But I needed another reason to post a picture without a shirt – so there it is. And I wanted to stress to anyone who thinks that 46 is somehow decrepit, it’s not. In fact, I’ve never felt better, sharper or stronger. Bring on the second half of life.
Most importantly, I want to say I fucking love you guys. Really. Before Social Media, and because of my introverted nature (writer), whenever it was my birthday only a couple people would say something. And that was totally cool. But this morning when I opened Facebook, there were dozens of well-wishes already. It’s a great day we live in when we can intimately connect with people across the planet who would otherwise remain hidden from us if not for the advent of the Internet. Not that most of you know me in person, but if you follow me in Social Media – you definitely know me in real life. Thank you, I truly enjoy sharing my life with you. The good, the bad, all of it.
Jim Mitchem/@smashadv
Addie King
Aug 8, 2010
Happy Birthday, Jim! Sorry I missed it =)