Last night I lost a dozen or so followers after a tweet about my ass. I just happened to notice this because of those stupid numbers on Twitter that show us how valuable we are to the world. Or at least, I think that’s the only reason they exist – to feed our egos and tell us lies. The reason for the mass unfollowing was probably the result of a mass following in the first place. Earlier in the week I published a post on the I Love You day experiment we do every April 4th. Naturally, even though I had a disclaimer about not trying to be an angel, many people followed me thinking I was a guy who spread love all the time.
But I’m not. I’m me. I’m a cynical writer who is a fallible being but who is real and who has thoughts that don’t adhere to or conform with any singular ideology (if it wasn’t obvious, the name of my blog is intended to be ironic). Some days I’m happy. Some days I’m angry. Some days I like to chat. Others, I don’t care to talk with or hear from anyone. Maybe I’m a freak, after all I am a writer, but I like to think of myself as being a human who consumes the full spectrum of life and its experiences.
After being on Twitter for three years, the people who scare me the most here are those who stay the course on one particular topic and never waver. Ever. That’s complete bullshit. It’s robotic. Fake. You want to follow these people, more power to you. But just realize that they’re human beings too and experience all the ups and downs of life just like you – regardless of what they tweet. If you ask me, these people, despite the numbers, are inauthentic automatons. But hey, if that’s what makes you happy.
And you know what? I don’t give a damn about the numbers. I learned a long time ago that nobody can please everybody. You want to unfollow me – go. Seriously, I don’t care. I used to back in the old days, but have grown thick skin since then. Today I’m unapologetically me. I don’t care if you don’t like that I tweet about the state of my ass or not. I don’t give a damn whether you think me posting a picture of my dog or of my kids is a waste of your time. You know what – I don’t like that you retweet shit that has been said over and over and over again in a feeble attempt for you to gain more followers to pump up your fake credibility.
I’ve been meaning to write this post for a long time – and decided that today (#followfriday) was a good day to do it. And I know what you’re saying, ‘But if you don’t care – you wouldn’t have written it.’ But the fact is, I really don’t care about followers on Twitter or anywhere else. I have lived my life for the past 20 years by the words of a dead poet, ‘To thine own self be true.’ I’m totally good with myself as a fallible beast, and the people who matter the most to me love me for my sincerity. I may not be the nicest, fluffiest or smartest guy in the world – but I’m nothing if not sincere.
I only took the time (15 minutes if you want to know) to write this post because no one ever does. And to me, that seems weird.
So have a nice day. And, as always, thanks for reading my words and allowing me into your head.
Nichole Brown
Apr 8, 2011
Apr 8, 2011
Give em hell jim…. loved the Tweet – and maybe the post even more… And what a nice ass you have 😉
Gretchen Ramsey
Apr 8, 2011
First, I think your ass needs its own handle: @assofjim. With a camp[aign to gain more followers than Brogan;) I agree with you on the point –I’ve tired of the constant jockeying. Too much proselytising and too little doing, or creating, or feeling. And, yes, I love you, too.
Jake Yarbrough
Apr 8, 2011
Apr 8, 2011
Sometimes I feel like my tweets should only be happy sunshine, but like you said, that’s not authentic. And I really hate that. I think in your early days of twitter it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game- it’s hard not to.
Apr 8, 2011
And this is exactly why I follow you. You speak your mind and are completely unpredictable. I find that charming, especially with so many talking heads just spewing out the same crap day after day. And, BTW, the ass tweet made me laugh out loud. There may even have been a snort involved. You know the saying, “If they can’t take a joke . . . “
Becky Johns
Apr 8, 2011
People have such fleeting emotions about who to follow on twitter. You never know what will make someone stay or go. I’ve had weeks where I lost tons of followers when I tweeted only helpful professional-related things, only to add more followers the next week when I talked about things like my love of Post-It notes and asking what color I should paint my nails. By all rational thought that seems backwards, but who really cares?Do what you want.
Apr 8, 2011
I’m not a writer, or a business professional. I could care less about numbers on twitter. I’m with you 100% on this. If people want to follow you, they will, if they don’t, they don’t. Never change who you are to please someone, because in the end, you’re only letting yourself down.
Jim Mitchem
Apr 8, 2011
Angela, I think you meant “I’m *neither* a writer, *nor* a business professional.” haha – just kidding. Thanks everybody, for reaching out.
John Cavanaugh
Apr 8, 2011
You know, I think it all works out in the end. For some people, a single Tweet can change how they feel about following someone. And that’s cool. If they feel that way, they need to go. For me, it’s more a body of work kind of thing (not actually a pun on your ass, per se, but…whatever).More and more I’m coming around to the belief that the numbers are what they are. What I go for is “value” on Twitter. And only I can decide what that is for me.
Linnea A.
Apr 11, 2011
Well, I just rejoined Twitter last night (and followed you again — *cough*). My new name fits my new attitude. I’m Simply_Linnea, and if that’s not interesting or sexy or guru-y or edgy enough for (insert follower here), too bad. If I’d joined on Friday and seen the tweet about your ass, I would have laughed mine off (as I did when I saw it here). Further, I happen to like pics of your kids and dogs.I didn’t add everyone I had before. The people who practice RT’ing and name-dropping as a lifestyle didn’t make the cut.I like real people — on- and offline.
Apr 12, 2011
Bob Aycock
Apr 13, 2011
Bob Aycock
Apr 13, 2011
I Love You for being YOU, Jim! It’s nice to follow someone on various social networks and see that they are genuine and real. You are that person. I’m glad we’re connected through the web so I can read about your kids or your dog or yes, even your @ss. And I’m happy to say I’ve met you IRL, because I know you’re real. Keep up the great writing and keep being true to yourself. Not that I have any doubt you would stray from doing either.
My novel – Minor King
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