Tucker and Jim

This post could be called 'The Narcissist's Guide to Meme.'

I blog and tweet in first person a lot. But I'm not a PR writer. And I'm not a journalist. I don't RT news links. I'm not an IT guy, life coach or one of those 'famous quote' twitterers. I'm a copywriter. And my job is to connect with people in a way that it makes them feel something long enough to do something. The way I connect to other people empathetically is through my personal reference point to a feeling at the core of an idea. 

Because I've been blessed with a colorful life, I have an unusually wide personal point-of-reference. In other words, no conversation's safe with me around. This is one of the reasons I have a high number of updates on Twitter. I jump in and engage. The way I see it, as long as I'm not routinely replying to people with input like, "What about watermelon pizza? LOL!! ROFL!! WTF/FTW! W00T!" then maybe I'm adding value to a conversation. And since no one has ever told me to GTFO – I'm fairly confident with how I use Twitter.  

The other way I use Twitter is by sharing random musings. This too is largely first person. However, when I tweet something like "I give you all imaginary voices when I read your tweets" I'm basically just doing my best impersonation of a Noiseless, Patient Spider. Flinging words into the Twitterverse like gossamer thread. Hoping they catch somewhere. And when I'm doing my job right – they often do. 

Jim is a father, husband, copywriter, founder of smashcommunications.com and is NOT a narcissistic pig. You can find him on Twitter @smashadv

Hip, Hip...Jorge!
Bite Me, Apple.

Jim Mitchem

Writer. Father to daughters. Husband. Ad man. Raised by wolves. @jmitchem on twitter. First novel, Minor King, out now.