I’m not what you’d call religious, but I am a God guy. Though I don’t believe in asking Him for ‘things.’ In fact, the only prayer I routinely say is the Serenity Prayer – which asks for serenity, courage and wisdom. Although I do have a prayer for 2012.
“Dear God, please continue to bless my family with good health. And help us to understand that everything else that happens during the year is icing.”
Though if I could add one more line it would be, “And please let everyone get their priorities straight enough to understand that their own goals for the next twelve-months should not focus so much on their own economic prosperity as what is really important in life.” Because if we can synchronize what is really important, we stand to prosper as a race of humans.
And perhaps just one more thing, “And please, if you don’t mind, could you send us a sign that we should do away with all forms of religion? A big one.”
Jan 3, 2012