I have a question.

Let’s say that a Company develops a Concept and hires a Vendor to build the Concept so that the Company can offer it to its clients as a value-added service. After some mild success utilizing the Concept, the Company engages the Vendor in a business partnership to develop the Concept for a larger market. Vendor agrees. After several months, business plan stagnates. Vendor breaks partnership and sells the Concept to an outside investor as their own IP.

My question is this – is this legal?

I’m currently engaged in a similar scenario  I’m not the Vendor. The concept (which was never patented) is a mobile app (for iOS). I thought IP law was pretty clear in that ‘if you think it, you own it’ – especially considering the Vendor was paid in-full.

Side note – some people are just bad. Be careful who you do business with.


Jim Mitchem

Merry Christmas Eve
The Truth About This Social Media Business

Jim Mitchem

Writer. Father to daughters. Husband. Ad man. Raised by wolves. @jmitchem on twitter. First novel, Minor King, out now.