Most brands have a long way to go in the trust department for them to show any ROI in Social Media. After all, blasting links to coupons is basically treating this medium like traditional advertising. Trust takes time here.
If you throw a stone into Social Media, you're going to put an expert's eye out. I have never before seen such a glut of confusion as that which exists in terms of Social Media and who you should trust to help you make the most of it. Let me ask you a question – are news anchors experts on the news? Maybe, you say? Ok, but can they help solve the problems that the news (constantly) presents? Sure, they're…
Note to brands that have spent their entire lives in bed with traditional media: If you think of Social Media as something like a Golden Ticket – remember, five children went into the factory and only one came out. And none of them left unscathed. Jim is a father, husband, copywriter and founder of smashcommunications. You can find him on Twitter @smashadv
Note to brands that have spent their entire lives in bed with traditional media: If you think of Social Media as something like a Golden Ticket – remember, five children went into the factory and only one came out. And none of them left unscathed. Jim is a father, husband, copywriter and founder of smashcommunications. You can find him on Twitter @smashadv
A slightly facetious look at Social Media ROI. Jim is a father, husband, copywriter and founder of smashcommunications. You can find him on Twitter @smashadv