I am giving away my books. All of my books. Signed. To five lucky people who participate in my thing.
My oldest daughter is part of a church youth group. They’ve been building a Habitat House at the church for weeks, and on Sunday they drove a big truck and a bunch of high school kids to John’s Island, SC (near Charleston) to assemble the structure. This is her and her friends getting ready to leave Charlotte. She’s the one on the left. On Monday they started work, and accomplished a lot. She even made a new friend. After work on Tuesday, the…
My first gig in advertising was working in-house for Citibank. A department they aptly named N-house. A year before, Citibank hired a copywriter-art director team from Saatchi & Saatchi out of Manhattan, and brought them down to their operations campus in Jacksonville, where the tandem headed all direct marketing correspondence for the bank, and lived like kings. It was my first experience with the idea of an in-house creative department. Nearly 20 years later I’m here to tell you that by 2020…
In keeping with a tradition that goes back to 2011, here’s the year in Tweets as seen by me popping in and actually paying attention on Twitter. It was a weird year. More serious and less funny than previous years. And yes, my book came out in 2015 and I was pretty excited, so back off. Click here for 2012, 2013, 2014. @jmitchem – Chapter Five of Minor King – freaking poetry, man. Just read it for the 6th time. —…
(I originally published this post on LinkedIn, and it’s been met with a bunch of solid feedback. Click on over there for the good stuff.) Last month, I used LinkedIn to reach out to ten marketing directors of mid-sized companies in Charlotte about the idea of sustainable marketing. I invited them to connect, and offered to buy them coffee or lunch to discuss how they might integrate the concepts I developed while building the Boxman Studios brand by over 3000% between 2009-2013. Concepts that rely less on traditional advertising, and more…
They call it social media for a reason. Only now, some of the platforms are a lot less social. No matter what anyone tells you, there’s no “right” way to use Twitter. Twitter is a platform of authenticity. Your Twitter canon reveals everything about you. If all you tweet links, you look less human and more robotic. Back in the day, skeptics of Twitter would say, “I don’t care what someone is having for breakfast, why would I use Twitter?” Except…