Money doesn’t matter.

The car you drive doesn’t matter.

Your trust fund doesn’t matter.

How cute or smart you think your kids are doesn’t matter.

Who your father is doesn’t matter.

Your age doesn’t matter.

Whether you go to church doesn’t matter.

Your tattoos and piercings don’t matter.

The college you attended doesn’t matter.

How much you accomplish before 9 am doesn’t matter.

Your rank and title don’t matter.

The concert you saw last week doesn’t matter.

Scooping news doesn’t matter.

Winning doesn’t matter.

Beating cancer doesn’t matter.

Finding love doesn’t matter.

Only the peace you share with the world matters. Everything else is a device of the ego created by those around you who have tricked you into thinking that what matters to them, matters.

It doesn’t.

Seek the beauty of insignificant moments when your heart opens up and the blue bird in your chest bangs against its cage. You know what I’m talking about. That is peace. And it’s all that matters. Share that.


Jim Mitchem doesn’t matter

The Vacation Paradox
The Death of Anonymity

Jim Mitchem

Writer. Father to daughters. Husband. Ad man. Raised by wolves. @jmitchem on twitter. First novel, Minor King, out now.