This week I learned that the Public Relations Society of America published one of my tweets in their print publication. I found out through a DM from Genevieve Jooste on Twitter. The tweet they used was, “Authenticity = credibility. Credibility = loyalty. Loyalty = influence. That’s how social media works.” I don’t blame them for using that tweet – it’s solid. I even wrote a blog post around this idea. What I do have a problem with is that the organization, of which I’m not a member, used an idea I wrote to promote their own agenda, without telling me.
Before you pull the ‘Twitter is public domain – they’re allowed to use it’ card – I understand this and am totally cool with it or else I’d not be here. But early on in social media, my #1 concern was intellectual property and how people can sit back and take things as their own. Fortunately, the IP law is as applicable in this space as it is everywhere else. No, I’m not accusing the PRSA of stealing an idea, as they did the responsible thing by citing me. I’m just questioning whether there’s any professional courtesy in order when you quote someone in a pub? If the quote were the result of a phone interview, I’d have known about the publishing part. But citing a tweet is like saying, ‘we overheard this from this person.’ Which I guess is cool, but feels weird. I mean, is it so hard to let the person know? You follow them on Twitter.
Yes, I was flattered. And yes, there were more tweets than mine listed. But really, if I wanted to reciprocate them by promoting their organization, I couldn’t. Because if it weren’t for someone telling me on Twitter, I’d have never known.
Would love to know what others think about this. I’m probably just being a paranoid freak.
Will Conley
Apr 29, 2010
Just make sure your network is looking out for you. Look out for them, they’ll look out for you. In most cases the news will make it around to you, as it did in this case. That’s the only solution/perspective I can offer that doesn’t involve changing the human soul. I was once published in Gawker for tweeting, “Fucking offensive tweet.” They did a nice job of deconstructing my tweet, but they didn’t notify me so I could claim bragging rights. A friend of mine who loves Gawker saw it and told me.
Jim Mitchem
Apr 29, 2010
It’s just different, is all Will. I’m a dinosaur. I also expect the person at McDonalds to say thank you. #oldschool
Will Conley
Apr 29, 2010
I share your concern over the loss of manners. I’m not so sure it’s a generational issue. It’s values. I value inefficient human contact as do you.