Traditional media isn’t irrelevant. It’s just growing increasingly less relevant – proportionate to digital (social media) growth.
Psychology is the science of advertising. Mathematics is the science of marketing.
Authenticity = credibility. Credibility = loyalty. Loyalty = influence. And influence is what drives social media. It’s not exactly brain surgery, people.
I've noticed a lot of chatter here recently around how companies should categorize social media. After all, the more that businesses get involved in social, they'll need to allocate budgets from somewhere. And when something draws from a departmental budget, the purpose of that thing is usually aligned with the goals of the mother ship. For example, most people here consider social media as marketing and it should therefore be funded through marketing and then, like traditional marketing, prove a…
The reason I love Twitter is not for its massive commercial appeal, nor for its professional networking potential. It’s for the people. As a copywriter, being curious about people is part of the gig. And it’s something you can’t really fake. You’re either curious, or you’re not. Copywriters who are curious about how people think about things are the ones who stand to make sincere connections with an audience. Thus, engaging in Twitter is like part of my job. Before you start laughing…