Category: Politics

my fav moment from the debate last night — ishmael daro (@iD4RO) September 27, 2016

After seeing what ignorance can do to a country with the Brexit vote, I woke up this morning and decided that come November I’m voting for Hillary Clinton. I do not want to vote for her. I do not want to vote for either candidate. Neither have good ideas. In The Republic, by Plato, he talks about how a functioning Republic requires unbiased leadership. Leadership that wants for nothing. Not fame. Not money. Nothing. Leaders should be philosophers. Because only…

It’s 2016 and we’re deep into another political season in the United States. It’s fun, isn’t it? Like the Olympics. It’s actually not fun. It’s a four year reminder of why I have so little hope for the future of this once great nation. And this year’s political season is worse than ever. I believe we expend entirely too much energy on politics when we could be using that energy for more productive things that affect our lives, and the lives of those around us…