Category: Business

The following is the third post in a three-part series about sustainable marketing. In the first post (here), we defined sustainable marketing, took at look at a case study, and, yes, established my credibility as a qualified voice in the sector. In the second post (here) we looked at the difference between traditional marketing and sustainable marketing, the role of content and why it’s important to share your story with your audience, and how content from different departments within your…

  The following is the second post in a three-part series about sustainable marketing. In the first post (here), we defined sustainable marketing, took at look at a case study, and, yes, established my credibility as a qualified voice in this sector. In this post we’ll look at content and why it’s important to share your story with your audience. Click here for the third post in this series. As we established in the first post of this series, sustainable…

The following is the first post in a three-part series on the concept of sustainable marketing. Click here for the second post in the series. Click here for the third post in the series. Since launching my company, Smash Communications, in April, whenever I’ve talked about the idea of sustainable marketing with people, I’ve been met with inquisitive looks. And that’s ok. It’s a new concept. That inquisitive look is part of the territory when you’re talking about something new. But it’s why…

In 2010, after my dog Tucker died, I wrote a story about the morning we had to put him down. It was cathartic to write, even though I did so through a tsunami of tears. After posting it to my blog, I received the greatest outpouring of love from people that I’ve ever experienced. People reached out for weeks afterward, as the post was shared across social media. It seemed that everyone who read the story empathized with my loss…

“You’re like having a third child,” my wife says to me. We have two daughters. And she’s right. I’ve never really grown up. Sure, I’m more wrinkly now than I’ve ever been. And my hair’s turning silver. But in my heart I’ve never really felt like a “grown up.” Grown ups wear suits and go to work in big buildings and have days full of meetings and miss soccer games because they’re in San Francisco closing deals. None of that…

I’m a copywriter. I make my living by using words to convey feelings, tell stories, and get people to think certain ways about things. I’m pretty good at it, too. Over the years I’ve convinced CEOs of major companies to have coffee, and the children of Lexus owners to purchase new cars in advance of the cars actually hitting the market. My point is that I’ve had some success writing correspondence aimed at other human beings. Only lately, things have changed. It…