Category: America

Imagine being so desperate that you’d walk hundreds of miles across deserts and through jungles to leave your homeland for a better place for your family. Imagine knowing that when you got to where you’re going there was a pretty good chance you would be turned away, but you still did it because of how little hope is left in your homeland. Imagine that. Really. Take some time today to concentrate for a few minutes on how that must feel…

The kids who survived the attack at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida have made national headlines since the murderous rampage that took the lives of seventeen of their fellow classmates. At first, these students were seen as courageous, articulate souls standing up to the beast of bribed government policy. But once Big Money had a chance to reassess, they spun these kids as “crisis actors” brought in by liberal directors. And when that didn’t stick, they were called foul-mouthed…

I can’t believe I even have to write this post. We live in a nation where special interests control laws. Here’s how: The special interests (insurance, guns, pharmaceutical, etc.) have stockpiles of money. People who work for these special interests are called lobbyists. Lobbyists make their way into the circles of politicians through networking and doing favors. Lobbyists know that politicians want to remain politicians, and the best way to do that is to buy media that keeps their brand/profile…

Thanks in part to a powerful Hollywood monster, the idea of respect for women is currently at the fore of America’s mindset. Finally. And yes, I choose to call it respect for women instead of rape culture. I’m a father to daughters, I’m a husband, I’m a man, and I don’t understand the idea of rape culture. I do understand the idea of respect for women, however. My daughters are beautiful, strong young women who were raised to believe that they have the…

The house next door is being renovated by people who live a few streets away. Our dogs always bark at them. (They’re not happy or nice people. Dogs know.) Anyway, more than once I’ve caught them yelling “Shut up!” at the dogs. Yeah, that never works. But you know what would work? If they took the time to get to know the dogs. To speak to them in a kind voice. Maybe got down on their level to appear less intimidating…

When an artist dies, it forces us to consider how their work influenced us. When it’s the unexpected death of an artist we like, it feels like a punch to the gut. When Jerry Garcia died, I remember WNEW asking everyone to tribute him by driving with their lights on in the daytime. For a week afterward cars everywhere drove with their lights on during the day. Whenever I’d pass another car doing this, we’d nod and smile a sad…