Whether the phone works well or not, the creative execution on this new commercial for Samsung is undeniably spot on. Talk about knowing your audience. This concept goes right at the Apple Fanboy’s jugular. Just brilliant.
Whether the phone works well or not, the creative execution on this new commercial for Samsung is undeniably spot on. Talk about knowing your audience. This concept goes right at the Apple Fanboy’s jugular. Just brilliant.
Nate Davis
Nov 28, 2011
The idea that buying something, rather than making something, is a sign of creativity has to be one of the key pillars of the Apple brand. And yes, they skewered that whole comical self-important ethos with the “Dude, you’re a barista” line. Here’s to buying fewer new products, and coming up with more new ideas in 2012.
Nov 28, 2011
The iphone does work better. I know because I have a Samsung. 😉