I’m sorry to have to break this to you, but here’s how happiness works – you get it when you’re ready for it.
And when you do experience the epiphany, you then realize how easy it is to reach up and grab hold of happiness whenever you desire it.
But then, self-pity is never the same again, of course – because you’ll see that you only have yourself to blame for feeling like shit. It’s a trade off.
Nichole Brown
Feb 22, 2011
As I posted on Facebook: I realize now, too, that I had been standing in the way of happiness. It’s a state of mind.
Scott Baughman
Jun 24, 2011
Well said. I came to this same realization after I divorced my first wife. I decided I was going to be happy, no matter what life throws at me. It has worked well so far. I’m not saying I never get sad. What I’m saying is I don’t let my mind dwell on the things that SHOULD make me sad. When I lose a job or things don’t turn out exactly as I had hoped on a project, I find something else to focus on that makes me happy. Sure, it doesn’t always help, but I found it really got me through some tough days such as when my mother lost her 7 year battle with breast cancer. Even on that day, I chose to be happy – about the life she had lived, her legacy of being such a strong survivor (7 years!) and the lessons she left with me and her grandchildren. I choose to be happy. And it is a choice I keep making.