I was doing something outside today when I heard a rain of acorns fall from the big live oak tree. I turned to watch them land right on Sammy, the little pug-type dog that lives with us. I looked up and saw a squirrel scamper along the big branch of the oak that crosses our driveway and nearly engulfs our house, keeping it cool during summer. Then I thought about how sustainable our patch of land is for all the creatures that call it home. Of course it’s not so sustainable for squirrels when they try to cross the road, because of the machines that travel there, oblivious to their plight. And I thought how for fifteen years this little piece of earth, upon which a small house sits, has been a fruitful plot for our family. So many memories here; and all our children’s. Then I realized what a beautiful day it was; the dark leaves of the giant oak against a sky-blue crayon canvas. And in this moment, I considered how lucky I am to have had so many more good days here, than bad ones. And a wave of gratitude washed over me. More good than bad is the best anyone could want in life, after all.
One day we will leave this place. Daddy needs the sea. Only leaving will be hard. Maybe the hardest thing ever.