In keeping with a tradition that goes back to 2011, here’s the year in Tweets as seen by me popping in and actually paying attention on Twitter. It was a weird year. More serious and less funny than previous years. And yes, my book came out in 2015 and I was pretty excited, so back off. Click here for 2012, 2013, 2014. @jmitchem – Chapter Five of Minor King – freaking poetry, man. Just read it for the 6th time. —…
They call it social media for a reason. Only now, some of the platforms are a lot less social. No matter what anyone tells you, there’s no “right” way to use Twitter. Twitter is a platform of authenticity. Your Twitter canon reveals everything about you. If all you tweet links, you look less human and more robotic. Back in the day, skeptics of Twitter would say, “I don’t care what someone is having for breakfast, why would I use Twitter?” Except…
I was amazed I was with Twitter back in October ’08. I remember following anyone who I thought knew what they were talking about, and tried to follow their suggestions on how to be a productive Twitterer. I also remember how I’d often receive automated direct messages from people. I responded to the first one – only to never hear from the guy again. After receiving a few more unsolicited DMs that pointed me to a product, service or blog that…