Category: Poetry

What is the point in having a child if not for to nurse them wide-eyed beguiled – a passion for things they can’t buy in stores a genuine interest to open closed doors – toys and stuffed puppies all have a tale a special enchantment the wind to a sail – and who is responsible for lighting this fire if not for a father no duty more dire – for wonder ends quickly they grow up too fast unbridled imagination…

dreamed of a movie starring jared leto playing donald trump playing president he was reprising his role as Rayon from that movie set in dallas with matthew mcconneggay (sp) he wore a blonde trump wig and frankly, looked rather divine with a tiny diamond stud attached to the top of his cheekbone [it was real in the skin not one of those paste ons] he walked with a swagger sticking out his bulge wearing a Liberace cape barking orders [to…

Fake TV preacher shepherding lost sheep who believe that he can stay the wolf while the water rises deep – Drowning sheep believing preacher will save their soul while the wolf hunts them in daylight swallowing them whole This is the twenty-seventh poem of my personal 30-day poetry challenge to break away from the machine to think about things that don’t matter. I have no idea what I’m doing. – Jim

Imagine walking out your door each day to face a world where you’re looked down upon considered dangerous untrustworthy and criminal all because the color of your skin. – Black people in America do this every waking day enduring the ignorance of hundreds of years and across generations. – Oppressed upon arrival suppressed at the voting booth made to sit at the back of the bus segregated lynched so that people with lighter skin can feel safe and superior. –…

Even at 16 and 14 11th and 9th there are still some tears the night before school starts The end of summer of freedom of blue sky sunshine For four walls and a teacher droning on about things you have to force yourself to care about When you’d rather be outside running through a sprinkler or getting caught in a downpour at seven years old when summer lasted forever *** Jim

Over time marriage morphs from raging fire to comfortable routine sailing a ship over the ever-changing sea when we take each other for granted tending to daily roles as parents taxi drivers housekeepers and tax payers stealing away in little moments when we swim like hell to converge on an island where we can be spouses and lovers and friends a rush of dialogue poured into ten minutes as we solve life’s problems and dream just a little before a…