
“You wanna eat?’ I said loudly to my deaf dog.

Sydney, the 14-year-old shepherd, jumped a little, smiled, and turned a circle.

“You wanna eat, girl?” I asked enthusiastically.

“ROO-ROO-ROO” she replied.

“Then let’s go eat!” I said. And then a second later regretted saying. She took my queue and bolted toward the steps leading up to our house. Steps that just a few years ago she would bound up barely touching. Only this time as she started up the second step, she collapsed upon them with her chin smacking the brick step above her.

I ran over and helped her up the rest of the way, because she wanted nothing to do with being carried. At the top I checked her balance to make sure she was ok, and then she turned and smiled and said, “ROO-ROO-ROO.”

And I fed her.


Jim Mitchem



The Year in Tweets 2013

Jim Mitchem

Writer. Father to daughters. Husband. Ad man. Raised by wolves. @jmitchem on twitter. First novel, Minor King, out now.