This April, Boxman Studios is launching a mobile restaurant. Yes, the same cool concept of bringing the party to the people will now…bring food. The idea is for the restaurant to move each day to designated areas around Charlotte (which have been approved by the city) and offer fresh, organic fare to the hungry daytime business crowd. Organic makes sense for a brand that’s built on ‘green’ technology, as well as how we’ll grow the customer base. In fact, our entire marketing strategy is based exclusively on social media. Organic, word-of-mouth. It’s a perfect fit for a mobile feast.

So from Facebook to Twitter and the forthcoming Boxman Blog, we’ll be leveraging the core foundations of social media to help get the word out, let people know where the restaurant will be and when, and to foster community around the brand.

Our first social media initiative is to facilitate a contest to name the restaurant. Basically we’re asking folks in Charlotte to take some ownership in the idea for the restaurant. Because just like with the stray dog you find, if you name it – you own it. Only, we’re going to pay you. We’ll post details about the naming contest later this week, but I can tell you it’s pretty cool. And did I mention we’re paying?

I personally look forward to the challenge of helping David Campbell get this restaurant off the ground without the use of traditional advertising media. It’s a brave new world. And in case you’re wondering, no, we’re not out to ‘crowdsource’ ideas. Rather, this is part of a new marketing strategy to generate buzz for the restaurant, and the brand as a whole. And we’re not stopping at the name, either.


Jim Mitchem is a father, husband, writer and started smashcommunications, llc. He’s currently manning @boxmanstudios and you can also find him on Twitter @jmitchem

The Nightmare of Losing Cable
Is that an iPhone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Jim Mitchem

Writer. Father to daughters. Husband. Ad man. Raised by wolves. @jmitchem on twitter. First novel, Minor King, out now.