People are angry. Across the world, protests are being mobilized by members of middle and lower class society around the idea of economic inequity. Perhaps this uprising will change something. Or maybe it will fizzle in a pool of acidic lies and insincere negoatiations, as we skulk back into our places. “But it was pretty bad ass at the beginning.” we’ll say. “Until the Italians got violent.” Revolutions are beautiful, reckless things. Wrinkles in the fabric of time. I thought…
Tonight, my wife, a staunch Democrat, said, “Do you know how much he spends every day to get elected?” “I don’t know, 10 million?” I said. “4 million dollars.” she answered. “Advertising’s expensive.” “But think of all those people who could use the money.” she added. “It’s a little hypocritical to be ‘for the middle class’ when you’re spending millions of dollars every day on advertising.” “But that’s the Bush model. Obama just outspent what Bush spent” I said, referring to…