During my morning shower, I sometimes put on Apple Radio’s Classic Rock station instead of what I normally listen to. Granted, I can barely hear the music when I’m in there, but it’s good company and it keeps me from thinking about bad men walking in and shooting me during this vulnerable state. Plus, I know all the songs.
So this morning More Than a Feeling was playing as I got into the shower. When it finished it switched to something with a live audience. I couldn’t tell which song it was, so I assumed it was I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Trick–which was recorded live in Japan back in the day, and has an iconic opening with a teeny-bop crowd roaring as Robin Zander slowly sings the song’s opening line.
Anyway, I couldn’t really tell for sure, so I went with it as Cheap Trick as I shaved my head singing the song’s catchy lyrics. A couple minutes later, when I turned off the water, I realized that it wasn’t Cheap Trick—but the Allman Brothers, Statesboro Blues live at the Fillmore.
(I’m getting old and hearing is the second thing, after vision, to go.)
Oh well. I started drying off as that song ended and another began.
That’s when a roaring crowd poured out of my phone’s tiny speaker and Robin Zander slowly sang, “I want you … to want … me.”
I stood there. Naked. But for the goosebumps.
Apple Music boasts a 50 million song catalog.
I want you to want me.
A timely message. As I’ve been straying, lately.