A cup of coffee
Some social media
Then a shower and a swim meet
cheering for 32.41 seconds
and then back to sitting
outside, under a tree, with a computer
for an hour
until the next race
on a beautiful Saturday
Outside for chores
The weight of midday hanging still
in the thick summer air
a distant mower
a barking dog
a fly landing on the brick step
next to my shoe
I leap
into a pineapple flavored
lifesaver float
drifting over coral
and the parrotfish there
snipping at algae
to my shadow
This is the fourteenth poem of my personal 30-day poetry challenge to break away from the machine to think about things that don’t matter. I have no idea what I’m doing. – Jim
Exploring 30 Days of Poetry | obsessed with conformity
Sep 13, 2017
[…] Drifting through a Saturday in Summer: A poem about writing, and swim meets, and […]