I accumulate things.
Just probably
not the same things.
We’re raised to believe
that accumulating things
will make us happy.
When we accumulate these things
we are living a full life
and everyone around us can see it
and then they aspire
to accumulate the same things
in the same way
with the same hopeful outlook
that somehow happiness
is attainable
even though
it’s mostly out there
just beyond reach
with its first class flights
and diamond necklaces.
How could anyone be unhappy when
they’re surrounded by fine things?
Things they’ve accumulated
as the result of playing a game
by the same rules as everyone else –
a game where
the hungriest lions win.
Only, I’m learning that
in order to accumulate these things
you must first accumulate wealth
and to do that
means surrendering a moment
for a future moment
to close a deal
or make a deadline
to get a leg up.
To win.
I tried this route.
It’s exhausting.
And slow to come
for an observant person
slow to give in
to the idea
that there’s actually something
more important
than a moment.
that’s what I accumulate
like fireflies in a jar.
Each day
and releasing
to keep my jar empty
for the next day.